5 Things Every Aspiring Filmmaker Should Know
There are some filmmakers who spend a good majority of their scholastic lives in film school. They do this to receive the best possible training and know everything there is to know about filmmaking. Meanwhile, there are aspiring filmmakers who have never set foot into a filmmaking school’s facility, but simply have a knack for shooting amazing movies. Whether a filmmaker has taken the scholastic route or independent road makes no difference, as both filmmakers are going to wind up on the same street and face similar issues. The following is a list of the top 5 things every aspiring filmmaker should know.
Sound Quality is Highly Important
Aspiring filmmakers are often so enthralled by what is happening on screen that they forget to pay close attention to sound quality. While beautiful shots, sceneries, and filming styles are going to raise a filmmaker to a new platform, sound quality is still going to be one of the most important factors of a good movie. In fact, when given the choice, many people would rather watch a poorly filmed movie with exceptional sound quality than have to sit through an inaudible film with gorgeous video quality. With this is mind, aspiring filmmakers should never forget about the importance of sound.
Lighting Can be Expensive
When a filmmaker is in need of good lighting, they often have three choices; renting the equipment from a company, hiring a
production services companies, or buying lighting equipment. Since all three of these options are quite pricey, filmmakers often get stumped by lighting technicalities. In order to spend the least amount of money possible, most filmmakers will settle with buying minimal lighting supplies and choosing a filming location with ample natural light.
Location is Key
Another key factor in filmmaking is location. Depending on a filmmaker’s ressources, renting out a gorgeous location for a couple of days may be a possibility, but if it isn’t, they are simply going to have to find an alternative. When choosing a filming location, filmmakers should keep lighting in mind, especially if they don’t have a large budget to supply themselves with the necessary lighting supplies.
How to Hire Outside Help
For bigger filming projects, aspiring filmmakers are going to have to learn how to hire outside help. While filmmaking might be their main priority, filmmakers tend to become in charge of every aspect of the game. Instead of having to purchase large amounts of equipment for a shoot, some find it beneficial to hire a production service company.
Filmmakers Need Management Skills
Before becoming a filmmaker, one should ask themselves whether or not they have any leadership skills. Being a filmmaker often requires one to step out from behind the camera and give staff some direction. However, talent is talent and an introverted filmmaker will learn to adapt.